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About Lang Hats & Owner

Lang Hats

My name is Kay, I am the owner and designer of Lang Hats. Lang Hats company is based out of Indianapolis, and we are able to ship all over the United States. 
Originally from Indiana but have had the chance to live in Texas and Idaho. Being able to live in all of these states, I have had the privilege of knowing some amazing people who helped and pushed myself to believe in my dreams. Little did I know that one of my dreams had to deal with hats. 

My first hat was a Charlie 1 Horse hat. I was hooked! The material, the band, the shaping, the fit, it was beautiful. After a while I began to see other designers creating these master pieces out of these felt hats, I wanted one, but I didn't want to pay the higher prices. I wanted something that showed my personality, so I thought to myself, I wonder if I can do that. After a few months I decided to dive into one of hats and see what I could do. I picked up my paint brush and blow torch, and the rest is history. 

Customization, great price, and a touch of yours and my hats. 
I have enjoyed making every hat so far, and I hope to add yours to my collection! 


Thank you for shopping by! 

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